I am lighting a fire under my ass as I type this out,
Hey there, I'm Kenan/Ken whichever you prefer.
I'm boosting my motivation this year, and taking a good number of small steps to make things happen for me this year. Some of ya already know that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm going to be streaming content on my Twitch page 4pm-8pm mountain time. I'm having a lot of fun doing that so far. I'm also making it a goal to publish my comic by the end of the year as well. For those of you that know me irl you know that I've been working on a comic idea about a paranormal sleuth zombie for a long-ass time, and now I'm taking the steps to make that book into a reality. I'm putting together a Kick-starter to launch the first issue and I already have a printer lined up once the book is ready to print.